Benefits of Membership
1. A place to belong
2. Connections with other Bible School Directors for:
- Fellowship, support, encouragement, friendship
- New ideas for your Bible School
-Prayer Support
3. A set of our 49 course theological curriculum, which is available in numerous languages in print or digital format. Additional sets of the curriculum can be purchased at the cost of production and distribution. Contact AABS for current price list.
4. An additional 13 courses of theological curriculum available for purchase in several languages and in print or digital format. Other additional curriculum materials as they become available.
5. Certificates, advanced certificate, diploma and advanced diplomas endorsed by AABS and its’ Board of Directors, USA are available at a cost for all qualified graduates. (AABS is ecclesiastical in nature, therefore these certificates and diplomas are not accredited)
6. A certificate of affiliation from AABS
7. A packet containing many documents and a booklet with many ideas for the operation of your school
8. Equipping conferences for the head and staff of your school
9. Encouragement, advice, prayer and possible visits from AABS partners
10. Listing of your Bible school and its director’s name on the AABS website
11. Greater legitimacy for your school through membership in an association of Bible schools.