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The Team Behind the Ministry

JC Ebersols


Executive Director & Founder

"From our beginning the vision of AABS has been to expand the training of church leaders and lay persons in such a way that it will reach many more men and women in many more places than could possibly be trained at campus based Bible colleges alone. We envisioned that this training would increase exponentially if it were made available “on-site”, that is, in the local churches and communities across Africa and beyond. We anticipate accomplishing our vision through provision of Biblical curriculum and other resources to thousands of locally owned and operated Bible schools around the world, assisting them in their goal to effectively train leaders and disciple believers."

Tim Ingold


Administrative Director

I am excited about partnering with Bible schools in Africa and beyond to resource the training of leaders.  I appreciate the mission of AABS--providing materials to help churches and others spread the gospel and give their leaders a solid foundation.  I am excited about what God is doing through AABS and can’t wait to see what He will do moving forward!

James Odoum


West Africa Region Director

Working with AABS has brought joy and fulfillment to my life seeing many church leaders and church workers trained and fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission. I have met and heard of many people who have the call of God on their lives and are committedly working in their various churches and fields but lack Theological training or Bible School training. The formal Theological training in the various Universities are very expensive and many people lack the funds to apply to be enrolled for the training.

This is where AABS steps in to grant them the opportunity for their dreams to be achieved. AABS presents to the churches the curriculum and the procedures they need to start their own Bible Schools so they can offer the training needed. The results have been tremendous.


Headquarters Office Manager in Accra, Ghana

I am delighted to be part of AABS which is fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. AABS has a system which seeks to disciple others wherever they are and they also disciple others and on and on. A Bible School Student today is a Bible School Director tomorrow. Glory be to God!

Joshua Tuffour
Dr. Jeremiah Mothibi


Southern Africa Region Director

At the end of 2018 I tried the AABS Curriculum. After going through the material, I said to myself, `this is what I have been looking for. This is the type of stuff I have been searching for all these years.’ My prayer was answered and I felt that finally I have arrived to my destiny.


To my surprise each and every person who sees and goes through the curriculum of AABS appreciates and loves it. I have discovered that this time around, since I affiliated with AABS, our institution is attracting many people from different denominations like never before. More pastors respect me because of AABS.


Office Secretary / Bookkeeper

"I'm grateful to be part of this ministry that is filling such a need for our African brothers and sisters.  I appreciate the solid, Biblical foundation the curriculum gives the students, and the emphasis on the unity of believers."

Naomi Sensenig

"Making Biblical Education Available and Affordable in Local Churches and Communities Around the World"

@2024 Friends of AABS         
All rights reserved


Mailing Address: 
P.O. Box 556
New Holland, PA  17557

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