Frequently Asked Questions about AABS
Q. Who will own and control my Bible School?
A. You and your Church or Ministry retain complete control over your Bible School.
All-nations Association of Bible Schools will not own or control your school.
Q. Do I have to change the name of my Bible School? Must the name of my Bible School include the name All-nations?
A. No. You are free to name your Bible School any name you wish.
Q. Can I advertise my Bible School as being affiliated with AABS?
A. Yes. Once your Bible School has been admitted into membership with AABS you are free to advertise that you are affiliated with AABS.
Q. Can I charge fees to the students in my Bible School?
A. Yes. You are free to charge any fees you wish, except to charge a profit on the approved courses.
Q. How long is my agreement with AABS?
A. Membership in AABS will continue as long as your school remains a member in good standing.
Q. Can I add more teaching materials to my curriculum, in addition to the many courses
provided by AABS?
A. Yes. You are free to use any extra materials you desire, but you may not substitute other courses or materials for the courses supplied by AABS.
Q. Do I have to join AABS in order to receive their approved materials?
A. No. You can receive AABS materials at any time. You will be asked to pay the cost of the printing of the materials. No profit is made from the sale of the AABS curriculum.
Q. Can students in my Bible School receive the books?
A. You are free to duplicate the teaching materials and distribute them to your students but you are strictly forbidden, under the copyright laws, to collect any money from the students above your cost of copying. You may also purchase additional copies of the teaching materials from AABS at any time, at their cost of printing the materials. No profit is made from these materials.
Q. Will there be any other materials available in the future?
A. It is possible. AABS is considering supplying additional teaching materials that will enhance your Bible School and increase the content of your course of study.
Q. How much does it cost to join AABS?
A. There is a one-time affiliation fee to join the association (ask for the current price).
Q. How long will the 49 approved courses last?
A. You are free to design the timetable of your own Bible School. The 49 courses comprise 700 hours of instruction. If you run a full-time program of 20 hours of teaching per week, then your students could finish these courses in about 10 months. If you offer a part-time program of 10 hours of teaching per week, then your students could finish these courses in about 20 months. Any additional courses offered by AABS will require additional terms of study
The following is a sample of how you might run your school program using the 49 approved courses: Full-time (20 hours of teaching per week):
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon daily
Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily
Monday through Friday, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
any other combination of times and days.
If you start your school year the second week of September, and continue till the end of the second week of December, you would cover 13 weeks. If you resume classes after a 4 week break, you would teach from the second week of January, till the fourth week of March - thus covering another 11 weeks. Resuming after a two week break, you would then cover the remaining 10 weeks of teaching and finish the school year at the end of the third week of June.
Example (using approximate dates):
Classes begin September 7
Break October 11 to 17
Classes end for Christmas break December 12
Classes resume January 11
Easter break March 28 to April 11
Classes end June 19
By teaching 20 hours per week and using the above schedule, your school would complete the entire 700 hours of teaching for the 49 courses in the stated time.
The following is a sample of how you might run your school program using the 49 approved courses: Part-time (10 hours of teaching per week):
2 nights per week teaching 3 hours per night plus 4 hours on Saturday
2 nights per week teaching 2 hours per night plus 6 hours on Saturday
3 nights per week teaching 2 hours per night plus 4 hours on Saturday
5 nights per week teaching 2 hours per night
OR any other combination of times and days.